This is a demo store. No orders will be fulfilled.

Terms of Use

  1. Scope

    South Pole Carbon Asset Management Ltd. (hereinafter South Pole) develops projects with the specific aim of making reductions in CO2 and other greenhouse gas concentrations in order to mitigate climate change.

    South Pole is using its client's contact details only for the generation and / or acquisition of Verified Emission Reductions (VERs) under the Verified Carbon Standard or the Gold Standard (VCUs or GS VERs). The verification of VCUs and GS VERs is carried out by independent UN accredited auditors, such as TUV, SGS and DNV. The generated and / or acquired emission rights will be retired by South Pole through an independent registry (such as Markit or APX) and thus will be withdrawn permanently and irrevocably in the market for emission rights.

    These terms and conditions apply in the respective current version at the time of the contract's business for all relationships between South Pole and their customers.

    These terms and conditions apply exclusively. Opposing or deviating conditions of these terms and conditions of the customer will not be recognized unless South Pole has agreed to these in a particular case in writing.

  2. Formation of Contract

    The contract is concluded by an order of the customer using the order form provided for this purpose via the Internet and the subsequent adoption by South Pole. The acceptance of the order is subject to confirmation of the payment for the compensation amount to be paid. Upon receipt of remuneration undertaken to South Pole for the desired VERs by the customer to purchase set above and to close down, so that they are permanently withdrawn from the market. The VCUs and GS VERs are taken from a project portfolio defined by South Pole.

  3. Delivery

    The customer will receive a non-transferable certificate, sent by email, to confirm that the emissions will be compensated. The certificate does not imply carbon neutrality or anything other than the retirement of the specified number of VERs. The customer will not receive title to the VERs achieved by any emission reduction projects. The formal retirement of the VERs purchased shall be carried out by South Pole in the calendar year following the year in which the VER purchase is made by the customer. The customer acknowledges that South Pole will retire the VERs purchased together with the VERs purchased by other customers and hence the VERs purchased by the customer shall not be retired individually and no individual formal retirement certificate will be provided by South Pole. Should the customer require an individual formal retirement certificate the customer should contact South Pole prior to making any purchase as such requirement may result in an additional charge.

  4. Maturity and Payment

    The customer understands that by entering into this agreement, he or she is sending a purchase order to South Pole and that the customerís credit card will be charged for the amount of the purchase by clicking the purchase button.

    Upon receipt of payment, South Pole undertakes to offset the CO2 emissions specified and subject to this agreement.

  5. VAT

    Companies outside Switzerland are responsible for the VAT declaration in their home countries. For clients in Switzerland, all amounts payable under the terms of this agreement are inclusive Swiss VAT.

  6. Liability

    The liability of South Pole for its own negligence, as well as their employees, legal representatives and vicarious agents is limited to intent.

  7. Address

    Vendor and contractor of the offers of these websites is:
    South Pole Carbon Asset Management Ltd.
    Technoparkstrasse 1
    8005 Zurich
    Tel: 0041 43 501 3550

  8. Privacy

    The necessary data for the transaction is stored in strict compliance with applicable legal requirements and solely for concluding the order. All personal data is kept confidential. South Pole is authorized to disclose the personal data for purposes of credit checking and payment monitoring.

    In case the customer is using the option to register as a login user, he agrees that South Pole stores his data for subsequent orders.

  9. Final Provisions

    These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Swiss law, excluding the United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).

    If the customer is a merchant, Zurich is the exclusive jurisdiction for all claims in connection with the business. Otherwise the place of jurisdiction is regulated under Article 22 of the Jurisdiction Act.

    South Pole reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time.

  10. Disclosure for CO2 calculations

    South Pole's emissions calculations are based on best available information and are used to determine an appropriate amount of CO2 for carbon offset purposes.

    The calculations are subject to regular annual review to reflect reasonable practice at the time. If this information changes, South Pole holds no liability to offset any further emissions from previous transactions.

    South Pole offsets emissions based solely upon figures provided by the customer and is not responsible for the offset of any CO2 emitted from products, services or processes outside the scope of those agreed or as a result of errors in your reporting or calculations. South Pole Carbon Asset Management Ltd. has taken all reasonable care to ensure that the data stated herein are true and accurate in all material aspects as at the date of calculation. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of data presented, South Pole makes no representation or warranty express or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy, adequacy, quality or fitness of the information for any particular purpose or use and all such representations or warranties are expressly excluded to the fullest extent that such representations or warranties may be excluded by law.